
Patrik Hanuschka


22089 Hamburg


t.  +49 (0)40 6690 66891

f.  +49 (0)40 6690 66888

Ust.-ID.: DE231552868

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glamtouch regularly verifies and updates the information on its website. glamtouch's high diligence it is possible that some information may have changed. glamtouch accepts no responsibility nor provides any guarantee that the information is always current, correct and/or complete. In addition, glamtouch reserves the right to implement changes or amendments to the information provided. The content and structure of the glamtouch website are copyrighted. Any reproduction of information or data, in particular the use of texts, text parts or images requires the prior written consent from glamtouch. glamtouch accepts no liability for the contents of external links on these pages. The operators of the linked pages are solely responsible for the contents